Station 211, located at 303 East “E” Street, was constructed in 1936 by the City of Colton and the Works Progress Administration (WPA). It is considered a historical landmark by the Historical Preservation Commission, and is Landmark Number 10. Station 211, which serves as administrative headquarters, was remodeled in 2009. The Fire Chief, one Battalion Chief, administrative support staff, and a suppression crew of five, work at 211. One Captain, Engineer, and three Firefighter Paramedics respond from this station on Medic Truck 211, Medic Squad 211 and cross staff OES Water Tender 61.
Station 212, located at 1511 North Rancho Avenue, was constructed in 1957, and has a daily staffing of three personnel. A Captain, Engineer, and a Firefighter Paramedic staff Medic Engine 212 and cross staff the OES Type 6 engine 6601.
Station 213, located at 1100 South La Cadena Drive, was constructed in 1983, and has a daily staffing of three personnel. A Captain, Engineer, and a Firefighter Paramedic respond on Medic Engine 213. This station is in the southern part of the City and covers the La Loma Hills area. It also houses the Type 1 engine OES 330.
Station 214, located at 1151 South Meadow Lane, was constructed 1989. Station 214 has a daily staffing of three personnel. A Captain, Engineer, and a Firefighter Paramedic respond on Medic Engine 214. This station covers the Reche Canyon area, which has several acres of urban interface; as a result, the personnel at this station cross staff Brush Engine 214.